Service / Products

“We are not a construction company…
We are a service company”



Residential Interior Painting

Let us help you transform your homes interior!
Would you like a new look with an updated color?  How about going from stain cabinets to painted? Freshen up the kitchen or bath?  Change the color of your walls in any room for the biggest bang for your buck in remodeling. Or maybe your trim needs a fresh coat?

Our interior painter Owasso and interior painter Tulsa can give new life to any surface of your interior home. With our expansion into painting Owasso and painting Tulsa we have crews available throughout the area.


Residential Exterior Painting

Would you like to be the envy of the neighbors? We can help revitalize your exterior.

JT PAINT & DESIGN can give you the curb appeal you desire. Choose a new trending color to give your house that pop it’s been missing. For some houses painting the brick could give the house a whole new look. Let us consult with you while deciding what products and colors would work with your existing surfaces. Our exterior painter Bartlesville, exterior painter Owasso and exterior painter Tulsa are sure to impress.


Insurance For Your Protection

JT PAINT & DESIGN carries all the insurance we will need to keep the confidence of our most cautious customers. The most important of these are a hefty General Liability policy, auto insurance on dozens of vans and trucks and a thorough Workers Compensation policy on all painters Bartlesville, painters Owasso and painters Tulsa. We happily pay these premiums every month because we know that it protects our employees and customers alike. We are never offended when asked for proof of insurance.

PSA: Ask for current certificates of insurance no matter what interior painter Owasso or painter Tulsa you choose.

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Product Specifications

With dozens of paint companies each with multiple grades of paint for each surface it is easy to question the advice of a salesman? We are truly the painter Owasso, painter Bartlesville and Tulsa painter experts​ in our field. Our management team have a combined 35 years in paint store experience. In addition to that we have over 60 years in the paint industry.  This is what we know.  Lean on us to know what products are worth the money. What primers for what surfaces. Proper primers, preparation methods, temperatures and techniques will result in the quality and longevity you are looking for.  We pride ourselves on using quality products like lifetime warranty paint for exteriors, 60-year caulking, premium enamels for trim and cabinets and scrubbable wall paint. It is equally important to have the knowledge and experience to choose the techniques and products to protect the surfaces that we are not painting.  Did you know we carry and use 5 or 6 different types of tape? Most painters carry 1 or 2. The right tape for the right surface. Next to customer service product specification is our best asset.  These added services are what is helping us earn the reputation as #1 for exterior and interior painting Owasso, painting Tulsa and painting Bartlesville.


Color Consultations

With so many paint colors to choose from. It is easy to become overwhelmed.

We have access to all color charts available to help customers with their selection.
If customers are still unsure, we can paint a larger sample of the paint on their wall so that they can see it in the light of their home to feel certain it is the right color for them. Need to match an existing color? With three former paint store managers you can feel confident that we have handled this task hundreds of times before. We can also give you a list of colors that are trending. Once we help you pick the perfect color, you can be bold about the transformation of your home.  This service has been a great addition to our exterior and interior painter Owasso, painter Tulsa and painter Bartlesville divisions.


Commercial: Interior and Exterior

We also service some of the most particular builders and General Contractors in Green Country. Whether it’s a new shopping center or a school remodel during the summer we probably have extensive experience.  We employee a dedicated team of estimators that can get you a competitive bid on time. Our recent expansion into painting Owasso and painting Tulsa has led us to develop new relationships with general contractors and construction companies.


Spray Shop

We also have a 9000 sq ft shop for spraying your cabinets, furniture, and doors. This is a huge convenience to our customers. We can keep your home or business much more organized and virtually free of fumes during your project. We are proud to offer this rare option at no cost to the customer.  We pick up and deliver all doors and drawers, even from our painter Owasso and painter Tulsa jobs!


Small Jobs

One room? A piece of furniture? Just have some touch up? No job is too small.

Although we provide free estimates. Some smaller jobs might be more cost effective and efficient with our hourly rate.  We have both large and small crews to service multiple geographic areas, including exterior and interior painting Owasso, OK.


Equipment Rental

Sometimes a customer just wants to own the pride of doing it themselves.

We offer daily and weekly rentals of professional grade power washers, spray rigs, ladders and scaffolding. Be your own painter Bartlesville, painter Owasso or painter Tulsa.